Save Photos to Gallery Automatically

Save Photos to Gallery Automatically

To save photos to the gallery automatically in the Omadi Towing app:

1. From the Dashboard (main page) of the app, tap the three white dots in the upper-right corner.

2. A menu will appear.  Choose  Settings.

3. A list of different settings and toggle switches will appear.
4. Toggle on Save Photos to Gallery Automatically.

Pros to turning it on:
  1. We recommend users turn on this feature if they are consistently having issues with photos uploading to their company website.
  2. If a user has issues with photos not uploading, this feature will ensure that they have backups of photos taken with the app.  The photos can then be uploaded later via the app or the website at the company's office.
  3. A user may also turn on this feature if they are not having issues with photos uploading from the app, but they want to take an extra step to ensure it will work.  (Once they verify the photos have uploaded, app users can delete them from their phone galleries.)
Pro to keeping it off:
  1. Many drivers end up taking a lot of pictures, and that can compromise their phone's storage. It can be a nuisance to have to go through all the pictures and delete them when they are done with their tows.
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