The PD job type is set up specifically for police calls. This includes an area to enter the police department that requested the tow, police dispatcher ID #, PD case number, and an option to place the call on a police hold. If a vehicle has a hold on it, it will only be available to be released after the hold is lifted. In addition to hold and release information, PD tickets also include areas to enter lien and sale information as needed. If you do not have this job type on your system, you may need to purchase it as an upgrade if so desired.
ReTows can only be created for PD calls. To create a retow, find the original PD ticket, open the Release tab, and release the vehicle from the yard. For Release To, select Dropped at Other Yard, then save. On the top left of the ticket, click the blue Create ReTow button. This will create a new dispatch that is linked to that original tow. Some information will copy over from the original tow, such as Vehicle Information. You’ll notice there is a field (in the ReTow Info region) called Original Tow. This will fill in with a link to the original ticket in the Omadi system. Now proceed with the dispatch normally. To see all completed retow tickets, go to the black navigation bar and select Tow Tickets > ReTow > List. At the top of the ticket, a notification will appear stating that the ticket was generated from a PD ticket with a provided link to that ticket.
In the original PD ticket, there will be a similar notice at the top of the ticket alerting the users that the ticket was copied to a ReTow. The ReTow Date and ReTow Link will update with the time of the ReTow and a link to the ReTow. When you go to bill on this ticket you will want to edit it and select Yes to Combine with Original Invoice. This will add the charges from the ReTow ticket to the PD ticket. If you don’t want to combine the charges, simply select No. If you are going to combine the charges, the invoice generated should be Invoice w/ ReTow Charges.