Editing Charge Information
If any charges need to be edited or added to a ticket, the user will need to edit the ticket and navigate to the Charge Information section. Any charges that were specified in the selected pricing sheet will automatically calculate. If additional items need to be added, the user will need to add a Line Item Charge, Special Charge, or Additional Fee, depending on the job type. If more than one additional price item needs to be added, the user will need to click on the Add Additional Item button below the last price item. Any price item that is added in Line Item Charges, Special Charges, or Additional Fees will be added in addition to any fees that automatically populated from the pricing sheet.
If a user wants to override the charges from the pricing sheet, the user will need to add charges in the Override Charges field. After a charge is added in Override Charges, tow and mileage fees from the pricing sheet will no longer populate in the ticket. The Payouts field can be used to record toll fees, permits, or any other payout charges. In the Adjustments field users can record discounts, billing errors, or any other adjustments to the ticket. Note: In the Adjustments field, if a user wants to give a discount or lower the price of the ticket for any reason, a negative sign (-) needs to be placed in front of the price that the user wants to discount.
Recalculation Message
Most tickets that are impounded will continue to accrue storage fees on a daily basis. All fees will automatically update on the tickets but not on views. This will cause a yellow banner to appear at the top of tickets which alerts the user that there is an outdated calculation and will prompt the user to update all calculations on the form. After the ticket is updated, a green banner will appear notifying the user that the fields were re-calculated and saved, and the yellow banner and the red total under Total Charges will disappear. You do not need to recalculate on a daily basis; the ticket is accruing the correct cost, and it simply does not refresh the total everywhere in the system.