There are two dispatching views in Omadi: Dispatch Dashboard and Dispatch Live Status. The default view is the Dispatch Dashboard. The Dispatch Live Status is mostly used to accept digital dispatches. At the top of both pages users can create new dispatches, set ETA defaults for digital dispatch accounts, search current dispatches, and refresh the page. The page is set to refresh itself every 30 seconds, but it can also be immediately refreshed by clicking on the blue Refresh button on the top right.
Dispatch Live Status
The Dispatch Live Status is mostly used for accepting digital dispatch calls from integrated motor clubs. (For more information on the digital dispatch integration, please see the Digital Dispatching section of the manual.) This view gives more details about dispatches, including (but not limited to) account, vehicle information, destination information, and reason for service. All dispatches will appear on this screen in chronological order until a job is complete. To edit any information on tickets or to assign drivers to a call, click on the grey gear on the far right side of the call and click the corresponding link. Be careful to not edit a ticket at the same time a driver may be editing his ticket, as one of the two will override the information the other has entered.
If this view is being used for digital dispatching, it will need to be kept open in a separate tab at all times. Users may have multiple tabs of Omadi open in their browser at the same time. Users will only receive an audible notification alert that a digital dispatch came in when the Dispatch Live Status is open. If a user navigates away from the Dispatch Live Status page and does not have it open in a separate tab, Omadi has no way of notifying the user that a dispatch has come in and needs to be accepted.