To create a Client Login user for a property manager:
1. On the black navigation bar (at the top of the screen), hover over Customers, then Properties, then List.
2. Click List. You will see your list of Properties.
3. At the right side of your listed properties, you'll see a column called Operations.
4. Click view. You will be able the property's information.
5. Look to the right of the screen, toward the middle. You'll see an area called Client Login. This will show any existing client logins.
6. To create a new client login user, click the New client login user button.
7. This will take you to a new screen where you will fill out the user's account information.
8. Enter an easy-to-remember username. For example, if the property is named Sunset Apartments, you may want to enter "sunset" as the username.
9. Enter the property manager's email address, and set a password.
10. For the Client Account field, select the appropriate property.
11. You may choose to check the "Notify user of new account" checkbox. If you do, an email will be sent to the entered email.
12. Click the Create account button.
And you're done! Client Portal users will log in at your company's Omadi site (the same web address you use to access Omadi). They will enter their username and password, like any other user.
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