When a vehicle is ready to be auctioned, it can be found by opening the Vehicles in Any Yard view and using the multi-form search to narrow results. Once the desired ticket is located, select to Edit in order to update the Sale tab information. The Sale tab can be used to document the Planned Auction Date, Sold Date, and Buyer Name, as well as any notes pertaining to the sale of the vehicle. Once the Planned Auction Date is filled, the vehicle will appear in the Vehicles To Auction view (black navigation bar > Views > Vehicles to Auction) in order to make them easier to locate from that point forward.
Upon being sold, a vehicle will need to be released from inventory. Go to your Vehicles To Auction view to find the vehicles you were going to sell, then select Release (to the right) to release the ones that were sold. Open the Release tab of the ticket. When releasing a vehicle that has been sold at auction, Auction should be selected in the Release To field. Payment can be documented at the time of release in the Payments tab of the ticket. Often a car is sold at auction for less than what is owed (for tow/storage charges, etc.). To zero out the ticket, record this as a Deficiency Balance in the Refunds/Write-Offs in the Payments tab.