Any item that cannot fit in the pricing sheets is considered an additional price item and will need to be entered into the system for which the specific job type it is needed. In Omadi, price items could fall under several different names, depending on the job type and the purpose of the price item. The names for additional price item fields are Line Item Charges, Special Pricing (PD only), Additional Fees (Motor Club tow types only), Override Charges, Payouts, and Adjustments.
A good example of adding a price item would be a driveshaft fee for Account Tow calls. To add this as a pricing option, go to the setup page by clicking the gear in the top right corner of the black navigation bar, then click on Fields next the Account/COD icon (see image above). On the right-hand side, in the Charge Information region, find Line Item Charges (see image to the right). Hover over Line Item Charges for a grey gear to appear on the right-hand side of the field. Click on the gear, and choose the option to Edit Price Items.
This will open a new page where you can add and edit price items (see image). If the user edits or creates a new price item, the user will have the choice to enter default pricing based on vehicle class. In addition to default pricing, the user can also determine special pricing of that price item for a specific account.